Thank you to all of our Corporate Sponsors
we couldn't do it without you!

Thank You For Your Support

Thanks to our sponsors that help us meet our goals every year in different ways. 

These are the organizations that are spearheading change. 

Please contact the CJC to be listed here and to help stop child abuse in Utah County.

The Alison Show has helped open doors that we did not think were possible, thank you.

Cents of Style gave a big boost to help us bring in more services to help provide more support to abused children.

Edge Homes put on a couple of events for us helping us gain more exposure to the community and provide more resources to the children.

LHM Charities is helping us provide counseling for abused children.

Utah Central is an association of realtors. When they heard about the Utah County Children’s Justice Center (UCCJC) they answered the call, providing monetary support and encouragement.

Akdia, Inc. is a volunteer marketing partner. 

Akdia, is a marketing firm that came to the UCCJC over 15 years ago to help stabilize the brand and bring recognition to the UCCJC needs. 

Although Akdia, continues to provide the marketing and design, we are always looking for ongoing support to lighten the load.

Munchie Mansion is like our traveling mascot, but instead of it being an animal, it’s a house, an actual dollhouse that is brought to the events to create interest and excitement for the cause. The Munchie Mansion provides tasty treats to our guests that support the cause.

Malouf helps abused children change their bedroom so their physical existence does not continue to remind them of the abuse they have experienced.

Utah Family Therapy – helps lighten the load of some of the costs that come from running a nonprofit, while also providing intensive outpatient programs for teens and adults.

We’re always in need of strategic partners, please contact us online or call Rebecca, Director of CJC, at 801.851.8554.