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Child Abuse Happens Everywhere

Child Abuse Awareness

Children want to be happy and the abuse to stop so they turn to the Children’s Justice Center (CJC) for help. It is up to us in the community to make this happen. We need your help and support.

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National Statistics

  • Every year, more than 4,300,000 children are affected by child abuse nationwide.
  • … today, over 9,000 cases of child abuse will be reported to authorities.
  • Every 10 seconds a report of child abuse is made.
  • 5 children die every day from child abuse and neglect
  • 1 in 5 children sexually abused before 18 years of age.
  • 70% of sex offenses reported involve a minor.
  • 12% of girls were 10 or younger
  • 27% of boys were 10 or younger


Utah Statistics

  • Every year, more than 47,000 children are affected by child abuse in Utah.
  • Over 9,000 children confirmed victims of serious abuse or neglect.
  • 13% of all Utahns report being molested before 18.
  • 1 in 13 high schoolers were physically forced to have sexual intercourse. (1 in 9 girls 11.3% and 1 in 24 boys 4.1%)
  • 21.3% Domestic Violence Related Child Abuse 
  • 16.1% Sexual Abuse
  • 10% Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse Myths

Myth #1 - Sex abuse is only caused by strangers

Most cases of child abuse involve someone who is known to the child and has access to them. Some are relatives, some are friends of the family, some are acquaintances.

Less than 2% are strangers. Many sexual abusers have no other criminal history for any other type of crime, hold a job, and pay their taxes.

You could not tell by looking at them that they sexually abused a child or teen.

Myth #2 - Children Make Up Reports of Sexual Abuse

Children and teens rarely lie about sexual abuse and only come forward at great risk and with trepidation. They fear social humiliation and rejection to reveal something so personal and private.

When children recant a report of child abuse it is most often due to pressure from non-supportive family members or because they fear worse retaliation.

Myth #3 - Abuse Only Happens in the Poor Parts of Town

Child sexual abuse can and does occur in all socioeconomic groups and income levels.

How Can You Help Prevent Child Abuse?

If you’re like most people, you’re wondering what could you do to help prevent child abuse? The simple truth is, get involved:

  • TRUST your instincts. 
    (Don’t let your child go with someone if you have an uneasy feeling.)
  • TEACH your children safety tips.
  • LISTEN to victims and, reassure them that they did the right thing by speaking up.
  • REPORT suspected child abuse.
  • EVERYONE can make it okay for children and teens to speak up and be believed.
  • GET INVOLVED • Pay it forward and donate, participate in CJC fundraisers, or volunteer.

Child Sex Abuse (
Child Abuse Statistics & Facts